
The Chedar AdChain™ is being developed by Cheeze, Inc. The first version of Chedar was conceived in the walls of Cheeze when it became clear there was a real need for a modern day, transparent Ad solution company. It was decided at the start of 2024 that the company would become stand alone and operate away from Cheeze.

Over time the goal will be to setup a dedicated team of individuals to help build, maintain and evolve the Chedar AdChain™. In the meantime however the Labs division of Cheeze will take the lead.

Cheeze as a Publisher

In addition to Cheeze having a dedicated Labs team to help build and develop the Chedar product, Cheeze also acts as a publisher within the Chedar ecosystem, displaying adverts to users who have a high match rate with the advertiser’s target audience.

The Cheeze app leverages user data (with consent) to ensure that ads are relevant and engaging, leading to higher engagement rates and better outcomes for advertisers. This will help with the development of the publisher SDK Chedar is rolling out and the ability to use Cheeze as a pilot parthner for new features.

The goal is to grow the network of publishers on the Chedar network and incentivise them for helping in th earlys days of th edevelopment

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