Development Stages

Chedar’s blockchain development follows a structured path through three key stages: Devnet (Feta), Testnet (Brie), and Mainnet (Chedar). Each stage serves a distinct purpose in the development and deployment of the blockchain ecosystem.

Feta: Devnet

The Feta stage is the initial development environment where developers can experiment and build applications in a sandboxed setting. This stage is crucial for testing new features and ensuring that the core functionalities are stable and secure.

• Developer Grants: To encourage innovation and support early-stage development, Chedar offers developer grants during the Feta stage. These grants provide financial support to developers who are building applications or tools that will enhance the Chedar ecosystem. Developers can apply for grants by submitting proposals detailing their projects and how they will benefit the Chedar platform.

Brie: Testnet

The Brie stage is the testing phase where the blockchain is deployed in a more controlled but realistic environment. This stage allows developers to test their applications with real-world scenarios and transactions, ensuring everything works as expected before moving to the Mainnet.

• Stress Testing: The Testnet is used to simulate high transaction volumes and test the network’s capacity and resilience.

• Bug Identification: Identifying and fixing bugs during the Testnet phase helps ensure a smooth and secure transition to the Mainnet.

Chedar: Mainnet

The Chedar stage is the final deployment where the blockchain goes live for public use. This is the production environment where users and businesses can fully leverage the capabilities of the Chedar platform.

• Full Deployment: All features and functionalities are fully deployed and accessible to users and businesses.

• Operational Stability: The Mainnet is designed for high reliability, security, and scalability to support a wide range of applications and services.

Last updated